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Тема они полетят на Солнце ночью
Написал Sergey Babkin <sab123@youknow.where>
Дата 30 апреля 2024 в 00:57:55
Группа новостей alt.russian.z1

Это уже не диверснутая сенаторша, а администратор НАСА:


When asked at a hearing what the "Chinese are doing on the backside of the moon"
‐ NASA administrator Bill Nelson demonstrates his incompetence by bizarrely
claiming that the far side of the moon is always dark (which it isn't) and that
the US is not planing to go there. When asked why the US isn't going there and
what would be the benefit of doing so, Nelson responded; We don't know what is
on the backside of the moon, it's for the Chinese to discover

However, as for the United States, our decision is that it's more profitable for
us to go to the South Pole of the moon, because we think that's where the water
is. When asked why, do you think they (the Chinese) made that decision? Nelson
said; I have no idea...

Все сообщения в этой теме
#  они полетят на Солнце ночью Sergey Babkin 30 апреля 2024 в 00:57:55
#  Re:они полетят на Солнце н очью Loexa 2 мая 2024 в 00:32:27
#  Re: Re:они полетят на Солнце н очью Sergey Babkin 2 мая 2024 в 04:56:42

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