>> Расходы на healthcare - просто бесконечны и ограничиваются только
>> наличием денег.
>> Европа богаче Африки и тратат больше.
>> Америка богаче Европы и тратат больше.
> Я в курсе. Но это не совсем так.
A staggering 11 million absence notes were issued over the past year –
up a fifth, compared to 2021.
Almost 9.5 million adults were out of work in January
Dr Eva Patel, a GP in Barnet, Herts, attributes the rise in sick notes
to the “current welfare system and benefits and the easiness of getting
a sick note from a doctor”. Being overworked themselves – a report from
the British Medical Association last year found that a quarter of all
doctors were at “high risk of burnout” – is creating further issues, she
While the Government has raised concerns that many sick notes are being
reissued without appropriate assessment, GPs do not have enough capacity
or time in the working day to spend 10-15 minutes per patient on people
who require an extension to a sick note.