> On 1/6/2025 4:43 AM, Yury Mukharsky wrote:
>>> Расходы на healthcare - просто бесконечны и ограничиваются только
>>> наличием денег.
>>> Европа богаче Африки и тратат больше.
>>> Америка богаче Европы и тратат больше.
>> Я в курсе. Но это не совсем так.
> A staggering 11 million absence notes were issued over the past year –
> up a fifth, compared to 2021.
> Almost 9.5 million adults were out of work in January
> Dr Eva Patel, a GP in Barnet, Herts, attributes the rise in sick notes
> to the “current welfare system and benefits and the easiness of getting
> a sick note from a doctor”. Being overworked themselves – a report from
> the British Medical Association last year found that a quarter of all
> doctors were at “high risk of burnout” – is creating further issues, she
> adds.
> While the Government has raised concerns that many sick notes are being
> reissued without appropriate assessment, GPs do not have enough capacity
> or time in the working day to spend 10-15 minutes per patient on people
> who require an extension to a sick note.
> https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/04/19/how-britains-sick-note-culture-made-us-the-wests-most-works/
Ну а эта реплика очевидно что из второй категории.